Weather forcast kept a bunch of customers home today, shame cause it's that time of year to get in on the meat!
Headed out to birds working hard first thing in the AM, fish on right from the start. Even after the change of tide with the wind against we still had very good all day action. Everyone went home with their Bonus & slot fish.
Weather looks perfect for Striper fishing the next couple of days, a little breeze, little chop perfect. Not much time left, dont' miss the bite.
7:00am Sailing. First Boat out, First Boat on the meat. No Reservations, Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. All jigs & shads aboard for sale.
Not Sailing Thanksgiving day.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Super Bass fishing today from start to finish.
Took the ride once again and we were blessed with a day most dream of! Had tremedous readings for over a mile on the machine and at times we had 8-10 fish on with 20 fish drifts most of the day. Some Big babies in the mix once again. Shads & NLBN's were the ticket.
Got to do a couple videos and some awesome pics in the gallery. Sadly the weather for tomorrow is going to crap, going to pace around the house like a wild animal not being back out there. Will post about Friday tomorrow, as of now it's looking iffy.
7:00AM Sailing. First Boat out, First Boat on the Meat! Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. Jigs & Shads for sale aboard.
Capt. Ron
First boat out paid off once again today as we were on the meat early.
Had life close to home with a couple nice shots at the bonus & keepers. Bite got tough as the traffic showed and fish moved into shallow water. Didn't want to wait around waiting for the change of tide and maybe nothing happining so we put the peddle to the medal and got the hell out of dodge.
Took a ride and I am glad we did. Nice shots of bass coming once we got everyone set up and acclimated. Found the bunkers so we switched up to the shads. Some beauties in the mix with Catskill John landing a Monster at 45 pounds!
Awesome Ocean & Weather day. Tomorrow should be the same, don't miss the bite as some weather coming for Thursday may have us tied up.
7:00AM Sailing. First boat out, First boat on the Meat. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. Jigs, Shads, Tackle aboard for sale.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Had life and action right off the bat close to home today.
Had crappy conditions with the wind against the current and had to wait for the change of tide. When conditions got right we took a short ride and had several area's of life to work with. Changed up to the shads for the first time this season.
Smaller fish the past couple of trips but those are the ones we've been looking for......Dinner!!! Run & gun most of the day as they were very skidish and moved fast. Everyone went home with dinner.
7:00am Sailing. No Reservations. First Boat out, First Boat on the Meat. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. All JIgs, Shads and Tackle aboard for sale.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron