After the past three trips and way too many miles, the bite finally turned on today!
Left the dock with 5 customers took a long ride and Managed 1 fish in the Am. A good friend of mine gave me a call, asked how far away I was, 14 miles I said, his exact words were "Get here Now"! We took off and arrived to acres of Big bass in several area's rolling and busting on top. Had two Giant Tuna come out of the water right in the middle of the bass, very cool thing to witness.
The fishing was awesome, all went home with sore arms and Joe and I with sore backs lifting those beauties in!! I caught my first one of the season, put the rod down after that thought the thing was going to kill me. Back at it in the AM.
NOT AVAILABLE THIS SATURDAY........other than that we are:
Sailing Everyday 7:00am Sharp. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Spinning Rod Rental set-up $20.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Very tough start to the fall Striper fishing for us. Today was another bummer.
Covered many miles the past 3 days and not happy with what I have seen so far. Going to hang in there and try a new area tomorrow, I heard the fish way to the east have moved so hopefully they are on their way!
I always say, don't wait for the report, be the report. Will see what tomorrow brings. I always like my Fishing in the Snot reports for Striped Bass fishing, today was just too dam nice....
Sailing everyday 7:00am sharp. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Spinning Rod Rental set up $20.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Not a good start to the Striped bass season for us today.
Headed out with a nice crew of fishermen regulars all chomping at the bit to get some action. We were greeted once again with that swell from hell. Found some bait, read some fish but they wouldn't bite. Looked another area over NG.
Took another ride, not much bait there and once again another long ride. Found the bait read some fish and NG. By now you get the picture, after covering many miles got my first skunk in a long time. I'm sure once we are off this moon and that swell lays down things will start to happen. Back at it in the AM to give it Hell once again.
Sailing Everyday 7:00am Sharp. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Spinning Rod Rental Set up $20.
Capt. Ron
Not a good day for our last day of bottom fishing!
Made our way to the first area fighting a swell from hell!! Very nasty and I knew the only thing we were going to catch were sharks once I saw those conditions, I was right. Made two drops and left the area.
Worked another area and found more sharks, no porgies and only a couple Sea Bass to end the day.
Tomorrow (Saturday) we start Striped Bass fishing. 7:00am Sharp sailing.
What you should have in your tackle box: Jigs, plain & with tails, Shads, No live bait NLB jigs, Crocodile spoon, a snag & dropper rig if you want to catch & fish with live bait, make sure you have circle hooks when fishing with the bait, 8/0 is good for bunker fishing. Be pre-paired to do lot's of searching and don't quit if the bite is tough.
Sailing Everyday 7:00am Sharp. Open boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Spinning Rod Rental Set up $20.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
We will be Striped Bass fishing from this Saturday (19th) everyday.
Sounds like there are several area's of bait and life the past few days. Please note the New Sailing time is 7:00AM Sharp!!
Fishing with Shads, Jigs, some top water if possible, bring a good snag in case we get into the Bunker and don't forget your Circle hooks if you fish with live bait! We have Bonus tags aboard for when we see some smaller fish. You can still get one online from NJ fish & wildlife if you need one.
Tomorrow will be our last Bottom fishing trip as I had a few calls to do that. Looking forward to a good fall run!
Sailing Everyday 7:00am-2-2:30pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Spining Rod Rental set up $20.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron