This morning paid to be the first boat out for the early bite before the change of tide.
Got to the area with just some bird life, searched around for readings and found a nice drop, carried the fish for 15 minutes went back and did it again and again. Got what we needed and left it to the muggers.
Gary K. and Eddie were back once again putting on the clinic. Ocean was beautiful but dam it was cold!!! Back at it tomorrow.
7AM Sailing. First Boat out, First Boat on the Meat. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. Jigs & Tackle aboard for sale.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Made it out with a handful of customers today and the fishing did not disappoint once again!
Started locally picking away, not good enough though. Left the area and found much better life. Got the trip in and the Wind still hasn't come on!
Next trip will be Saturday. A nasty two days ahead, temps going back into the 50's next week, sailing till they stop biting or the customers stop coming!!
7:00am Sailing. First Boat out, First Boat on the Meat. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20.
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, get them now, don't wait till the last minute!
See you on Saturday,
Capt. Ron
Another good day today!
Started out close to home with a couple shots of fish, lost the drift with the wind against so we ran to another area. Found fish every where we went and slugged away all day. Keepers, Bonus fish and a few beauties in the mix. Eric the Mortgage man landed an awesome 30 pound fish for the largest of the day.
Today you had to fish for them, no white water, no suicide fish. Some birds picking here & there that's why I have a fish finder. Couple real good drifts then we'd have to go find them again. Steven Lauria had the hot hand with 15 fish. Everyone went home with plenty of dinner.
Weather looks great for tomorrow. Thursday is a NO-GO. Friday through the weekend is good. Sailing as long as the fish bite, the weather co-operates and the customers keep coming. The bite is still on.....Don't miss it!!
7:00AM Sailing. First Boat out, First Boat on the Meat. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. Jigs & Tackle for sale aboard.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Actually got to do 2 video's today, one first thing in the AM, the second a couple hours later with some amazing action all day.
Very nice mix of fish once again, sad to think one day they will be gone! For now, we are on the Meat, don't miss the bite.
7:00AM Sailing. First boat out, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. Jigs & Tackle aboard for sale.
See you in the AM,
Capt. Ron
Another very good trip in the books today!
Had a nice gang out with us today and they were hungry....Put them on the meat right off the bat with over 25 fish on the first drift. Had some bigger fish once again in the mix.
Gary was back for the third day in a row and once again was dialed in. Steve T also had the hot hand today landing multiple fish. June landed 8 fish including a beauty at 25 pounds!
Perfect Striped Bass weather the next several days. Don't miss the bite, back at it in the AM.
7:00AM Sailing, No Reservations. First Boat out, First Boat on the Meat!! Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $20. Jigs & Tackle for sale aboard.
See you in the Morning,
Capt. Ron